Documents about Santo Domingo

Below are documents in English and Spanish describing Santo Domingo and the surrounding area.

Glossary Spanish and native words used to describe things and places associated with Santo Domingo.
Along the Old Inca Trail   1908 National Geographic article by Harriet Chalmers Adams tells of the area around Santo Domingo.
New Peruvian Route to the Amazon 1906 National Geographic article describes the work of the Inca Mining Co. to establish a road through the rain forest to the Tambopata River.

Camino de la Inca Min[n]ing Co é Inca Rubber Co

A description of Inca Mining Co. roads by the Junta de la Vias Fluviales (in Spanish)

Rio Távara

A description of the access from Santo Domingo to Astillero on the Tambopata river. (in Spanish)

Total Via Fluvial

Above-documents in Spanish (.doc 3.2 Mb)
Envelope from mine   1907 letter from Arequipa to Bradford, Pa. (where C.P. Collins, president of Inca Mining Co., lived) Auctioned for stamp
South America Expedition 1906   Harvard's Peabody museum sent an expedition to the area and received some assistance from the Inca Mining Co.
Miscellaneous references   Small items making reference to the Inca Mining Co.




Last updated October 11, 2012